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Blue Orpington chickens are a rare breed of chicken with slate blue plumage that are known for their calm, gentle, and affectionate temperaments. They are also good foragers and egg layers. They are docile and gentle and make great pets.
Easter Egger chickens are a hybrid breed of chicken that are a cross between Araucana or Ameraucanas and brown egg layer chickens. They are known for laying large to extra large eggs in a variety of colors and shades, including blue, green, olive, aqua, pink, tan, and dark brown.
Red Sex Link chickens are color sexable, with females having red or reddish brown feathers and males having mostly white bodies with some buff spots on their wings or tail. They are also known for being quiet and easy to handle. Red Sex Link chickens are well suited for a variety of housing options, including small chicken coops, larger c
Red Sex Link chickens are color sexable, with females having red or reddish brown feathers and males having mostly white bodies with some buff spots on their wings or tail. They are also known for being quiet and easy to handle. Red Sex Link chickens are well suited for a variety of housing options, including small chicken coops, larger chicken houses, tractor chicken pens, and free-range chicken farming.
White Wyandotte chickens are a medium-weight, pure white breed of chicken that are known for being calm, good mothers, and good egg layers. They are also cold-hardy and do well in northern climates.
Silver Laced Wyandottes are colorful, hardy, and hens are productive layers. Their broad-feathered, smooth fitting
silver-white plumage is sharply marked with lustrous greenish black edging. Their close-fitting rose comb and good body size are valuable assets for colder weather and winter laying.
Wyandottes make a great backyard chicken. They are friendly without being overly docile meaning they have plenty of personality. They are easy to handle, care for and are cold hardy. They are a dual purpose breed with good egg production that love to free range.
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are a medium-sized, dual-purpose chicken breed that originated in America. They are known for their unique coloring, which includes deep red feathers with blue lacing. They are generally well-rounded, friendly, and sociable creatures who enjoy the company of their human friends as much as other chickens. They're
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are a medium-sized, dual-purpose chicken breed that originated in America. They are known for their unique coloring, which includes deep red feathers with blue lacing. They are generally well-rounded, friendly, and sociable creatures who enjoy the company of their human friends as much as other chickens. They're also very tough and hardy birds, adapting well to various climates and environments.
White Plymouth Rocks have white feathers, yellow shanks and feet, a single five-pointed comb, and bright red wattles and earlobes. Their legs are unfeathered and clean, and their beaks can be yellow or horn-colored. White Plymouth Rocks are generally docile, friendly, and good-natured, and they can tolerate children. However, roosters ca
White Plymouth Rocks have white feathers, yellow shanks and feet, a single five-pointed comb, and bright red wattles and earlobes. Their legs are unfeathered and clean, and their beaks can be yellow or horn-colored. White Plymouth Rocks are generally docile, friendly, and good-natured, and they can tolerate children. However, roosters can be more aggressive. White Plymouth Rocks are cold hardy, and can continue laying eggs through the winter. They also have a triangular body shape, which is characteristic of good laying breeds, and soft feathers that lie close to their bodies.
Barred Rocks have soft, barred feathers that are black, white, and gray. Their distinctive plumage contrasts with their bright red combs and bare feet. Barred Rocks are considered to be outstanding farm chickens because of their high productivity of both eggs and meat. Barred Rocks are docile, gentle and super friendly.
Buff Orpingtons are the most popular variety of Orpingtons, used primarily for production of brown eggs. Buff Orpingtons have golden buff plumage and pinkish white beaks, shanks and toes. They are a heavy, but loosely feathered, appearing to be much heavier than their true weight. They are very friendly and docile, and get along well with other chickens.
Rhode Island Red chickens are a favorite chicken breed among many backyard homesteaders and farmers. And with good reason, they are excellent brown egg layers that are heat and cold hardy in mild winter climates. These favorable chickens are curious, active, sociable, and lay large brown eggs!
Dutch Bantams are among the smallest bantams, known for their elegant appearance and excellent egg-laying capabilities. They are friendly and easy to handle, making them great for beginners. Dutch Bantams are well suited to hobbyists and backyard keepers needing a bantam-sized bird. Dutch Bantams are notorious for going broody and make excellent mothers. Hatching only takes 20 days!
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